Why Did Chuck And Blair Get Arrested? [ lastest 2024] requenayaccion news

Why did Chuck And Blair get arrested? This is question is being searched by many on social media. The trend of searching for Chuck And Blair’s arrest news started after a picture of them went viral on the internet. In fact, the picture is a spoiler from The Gossip Girl. However, it has managed the fans to throw them into a frenzy to search for why were Chuck And Blair arrested. We prepared this article to make you informed about this perplexion. As many fans have been left perplexed if Chuck And Blair are arrested or not, we decided to prepare an article for them. You are just required to stick with this page and follow this column till the end. Scroll down the page.

Chuck And Blair

Why Did Chuck And Blair Get Arrested?

Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass are friends who grew up together on the Upper East Side and their respective best friends are Serena Van Der Woodsen and Nate Archibald. But Blair loses her virginity to Chuck Bass in Victor Victrola. Later they enter into a relationship in The Goodbye Gossip Girl. Now a story is evolving on the internet that Chuck and Blair were arrested. Is it true? Let’s find out this. Take a peek below.

Chuck And Blair

After entering into a relationship officially, Chuck and Blair reached the decision to take things forward and get married. But Chuck became violent around Blair as she was dating Prince Chuck. Thus, Chuck became jealous and possessive of her. Eventually, Chuck caught Blair after she told him that she didn’t want him anymore, but he threw her and claimed she was his. Now, their wedding doesn’t happen in the way Blair and Chuck thought. Bith found being real adults too difficult for them thus they gave up on their pact to wait to be together until they both accomplished success on their own. Scroll down the page and read more details.

Chuck And Blair

However, Chuck and Blair forget about their legal contract of binding. As a result, They have to spend their honeymoon in jail. Meanwhile, Blair got to know that Chuck is the notorious Gossip Girl and his penchant for drugs caught up to him. They suddenly plan a wedding before Chuck is arrested for breaching privacy. But it will be interesting to watch how they ended up in this crazy situation. Stay tuned to this website for more details and updates.

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