Blood Clots Eating Eggs Joe Rogan Left In Utter Disbelief [ lastest 2024] requenayaccion news

Social media is a vast platform where many people share their own disbelief. Mostly shows, stars, and news give topics to netizens to have a discussion but now podcasts are playing the same role. Especially, the podcast of Joe Rogan usually remains controversial. He is the only person who can have a discussion on any topic. Not only his podcast channels or social media account but he can also be seen sharing insights on any available topic. The way he presents the topic can easily get the attention of a large audience. People usually love him for his comedic perspective. Follow More Updates On PKBNews

Eggs Blood Clots Joe Rogan

Eggs Blood Clots Joe Rogan

Now he again appeared with a new post but this time he reshared the famous science post. Now, this post is getting viral and people are having a discussion about it. However, there are many people who don’t know about it but they are getting curious to have information on it. Joe Rogan is entirely in disbelief that scientists have discovered new research which is based on eggs. Now for this post, he used his Instagram account and shows his disbelief at it. People are usually his fans because of his bold nature as he never shies about talking his mind on social media. Due to that he also gets involved in controversy and is usually known as a controversial podcaster.

He has usually talked about many issues and problems in society and within his former groups and organization. But it does not mean that people always appreciate him most of the time he also got into problems with his opinions. Speaking about his latest post, he reshared a message about scientists asserting that the chemical “choline” contained in eggs can be the reason for the demise of someone. He also wrote a caption for his IG post which reads that “Either this is a black belt-level provocation or the AI has become sentient and began having s*x with us.”

The controversial podcaster is might get confused by scientists waging war on eggs, yet most would not talk about the harmful and bad effects of vaccines and other chemicals. He shared another post, describing the absurdity of the study. According to the sources, the post was originally posted by Robb Wolf which reads that “These scientists state that the choline in eggs is a quite big issue and while most individuals do not get sufficient of it, those smart pants insist it is going to assassinate you…” Now this research has become a topic of discussion and many people are making fun of it.

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